Start & End Times
Start Time | 2019-02-03 00:30 CET |
End time | 2019-02-09 00:30 CET |
Label | Problem |
A | Tarifa |
B | Stuck In A Time Loop |
C | Speed Limit |
D | Spavanac |
E | Pot |
F | Oddities |
G | Nasty Hacks |
H | Ladder |
I | Volim |
J | Stacking Cups |
K | Racing Around the Alphabet |
L | Pizza Crust |
Pass/Fail — Ranked
Each problem is pass/fail. Participants are ranked by the number of solved problems, breaking ties by penalty (sum of time + 20 minutes per wrong submission, for all solved problems). Time is rounded to minutes.
- No results are shown.